Property details
The options on this page impact how the system works. Use the information below to help you make your selections.

Details like your property name, address, and contact information are pulled into contracts, BEOs, and other documents that you send to customers.
Any changes made to the property name may take up to 24 hours to process and display throughout the application. Do not make multiple changes to a property name until the previous change has fully processed. Please contact Amadeus Support if you have changed the name of your property so we can update our records and properly assist you moving forward.
Most of the fields in these sections are self-explanatory, but here's a bit more information about:
Default Tax Set - If your property is using the banquet check, you need to specify a default tax set. This saves you and your team from having to manually select a tax set for every event.
Inclusive Pricing- Select this option if your property primarily uses inclusive prices when quoting food, beverage, guestroom, or function room rental rates. After you save, any new records created in Setup, like menus and items, will automatically have the Inclusive check box selected. You will also need to make a few updates in Setup. See Inclusive pricing overview for a complete list of property administrator steps.
Enable Backdating Bookings - Corporate administrators select this for new properties to allow modifications to the Booked Date and Last Status Date fields in bookings. When you are in backdating mode, incremental changes to bookings are not captured, impacting your performance reports. Therefore, you want to complete entry of existing bookings as quickly as possible and then have the administrator clear this check box. See the Backdating bookings topic to learn more.
Backdating is only for new properties—do not enable this for properties that migrated from another system, or an extract/append from another Amadeus Sales and Event Management database.

Conflict Check Prospects - No one wants to double-book a room. But, on the other hand, you don't want to hold meeting rooms for groups that don't materialize. As a property, you need to decide how you want to manage your function space.
- Some properties like to put multiple prospect bookings into the same function room when they send proposals, and they let the customer know that they are not holding space until a contract is requested or signed. This allows them to see how much interest there is during a certain time period. If your property likes to work this way, clear this check box.
- Other properties want to block the function space when they send a proposal so there's no risk it won't be available if the customer comes back and asks for a contract. If that's your property's preference, select this check box so that prospect bookings will cause a conflict.
When you attempt to block an event in a function room that is not available, your event will be sent to the Unassigned function room. You can then review the Function Diary for an available room and move it there.
Conflict checking does not include events on the same booking. For example, if you block an All-Day Meeting in The Boardroom from 8 AM - 5 PM, and you also block a Lunch in The Boardroom from 12 PM - 1 PM for the same booking, that's not considered a conflict because it's the same group having lunch in the function room.
Freeze Cutoff Date at Definite - The cutoff date automatically defaults to 30 days prior to the group's arrival—and this works great for prospect and tentative bookings. However, when a booking is definite—you might not want the cutoff date to update automatically. Consider this example. If you add one or two staff rooms two nights prior to the group's main arrival, do you want the cutoff date to automatically update? If not, select this check box.
If this option is not selected, the cutoff date will automatically update to be 30 days prior to the arrival date—regardless of the booking status. Of course you can always manually update the cutoff date as needed.
Restrict Booking Move with Pickup - The Move Booking option is a quick and easy way to move a booking to a new set of dates. It's so easy, in fact, that you might want to put certain safeguards in place. If you want to prohibit users from being able to move a booking once pickup has been entered on the room block, check this box. When this check box is selected, the Move Booking option will show as unavailable when there is pickup on the booking.
ROH Allowed Statuses - Utilize this field to select which booking statuses can have rooms blocked in the Run of House room type. While you may permit users to block Run of House rooms for prospect bookings, you may consider using ROH Allowed Statuses for other booking statuses. Users can be prevented from moving the booking to a definite, or even tentative status, without first moving the Run of House rooms to the desired room type. Want to avoid rooms being blocked in Run of House altogether? No problem – simply ensure all statuses are unselected. When users try to move a booking, with rooms blocked in Run of House, to a status that is not selected here, they will receive an error message. Likewise, if the booking is on a status that is not selected here, users will be prompted to change the room type before their booking can be saved.
Gratuity Label - Booking and Banquet Checks are designed to provide your clients with a comprehensive breakdown of their charges, including all applicable Taxes and Service Charges. Use this field to define whether you wish to have your checks display the column label Gratuity or Service Charge.

When a booking is lost to a competitor, users can select them in the Lost to Competitor picklist on the Booking page. This improves your knowledge about lost business in reports. You control the values in that picklist here.
Click + Competitor and enter each competitor you want displayed.
If you're entering a long list, don't click Save until after you've added a few values. Just keep clicking + Competitor to add new rows.
Some organizations keep this list broad, listing the brands they compete against, while some like to be more specific and have each property put their local competitive set of hotels.
As users are working in the booking, they are allowed to add other competitors to the list, so make sure to let them know what your property's standards are. If a user adds a value you don't want to keep in the list for future use, come here and clear the Active check box.

If your property is integrated with MeetingBroker, complete these fields:
Default Lead Coordinator - The user who should be assigned as the Inquiry Owner for new RFPs that don't match MeetingBroker assignment rules. This user must have Property Administrator access.
MeetingBroker Room Types - Select one of your property's room types to default for each of the MeetingBroker room types. When creating the booking, users can adjust to a different guestroom type as needed.

If your property has integration with one of our proposal software partners, complete these fields:
Cendyn Property Key - For properties integrated with Cendyn eProposal. The value that goes into this field is provided by Cendyn. It maps your property to your Cendyn subscription. When the eProposal integration is activated by Amadeus, this field will be completed.
Do not send rates to Cendyn eProposal - For properties integrated with Cendyn eProposal. Check this box if you don't want guestroom rates sent to Cendyn eProposal. For example, if your property sells packages or if you quote inclusive of taxes and service charges.
UpMail Integrated - For properties integrated with UpMail. This checkbox is selected by default upon activation by Amadeus.
Do not send rates to UpMail - For properties integrated with UpMail. Check this box if you don't want guestroom rates sent to UpMail. For example, if your property sells packages or if you quote inclusive of taxes and service charges.
If you're new to the system, review the Property administrators Guide.