Integrated event setup

This topic pertains to properties whose Delphi system is integrated with Delphi Diagramming. With the integration Icon of two red linked chains, Delphi creates and manages events, and those records display in Delphi Diagramming.

There are situations when you create, or update, an event in Delphi that an Event Setup dialog displays rather than bringing you to the room plan in Delphi Diagramming.

Delphi Diagramming is unable to display a room plan in the following scenarios:

The following dialog displays for initial room plan creation:

Room plan creation dialog

The Event Setup dialog populates with Booking Event data and allows you to select, or search, for an appropriate room.

Clear the Filter by Attendee check box to display all rooms.

The following dialog displays for updated existing room plans:

Existing room plans dialog

To create the event

  1. Either select a room from the list of rooms shown, search for a room, or click View All.
  2. Click Create Event or Save Changes.

Selecting a room does not mean the room is available. Please check your Delphi Function Diary and update as needed.

Rooms with a capacity of "0" in the capacity chart will display but you won't be able to select them.

To update the event

  1. Select the new value that the current value should map to.
  2. Click Apply Mapping to update Room or Room Setup mapping.

You may need to manage existing mappings with the Mapping Editor to create the new values. For example, mapping "banquet" to "rounds of 8."

The Mapping Editor will alert you if a new value you're creating is already in use, thus preventing duplicates.

Explore more...

Work with events

Add room plans to events

Design room plans

View integrations

Manage mappings