Inventory report

This report is only available for Property Edition.

The Inventory report details exactly what's needed for a room plan. You’ll see how many tables, chairs, and other resources are needed, as well as a description of each item and its dimensions. The Inventory column indicates whether the item is available on-site (Yes) or if it’s being supplied by an outside vendor (No).

To view the Inventory report

  1. In Automatic Layout or Design Mode, click the Inventory Report Report icon icon.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Change the report's orientation from Portrait to Landscape.
    • Select Include Room Plan Thumbnail to display the room plan as the last page of the inventory report. This is a great way to show exactly how the room should be set.
    • Select Include Distance KEY to display the distance of the gridlines.
    • Select Include Property Logo to display your logo. This may be displayed in the header or footer of the page.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Save as PDF to browse to a location where you want to save the report as a PDF.
    • Click Print to print your report immediately.
    • Click Cancel to close without saving or printing.
  4. Click X to close the Inventory Report window.

Resources are listed in the order that they're placed in the room plan.

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