Work with RFPs
The RFP General Information page displays meeting information for the RFP, including the meeting name, start date, attendees, and contact information. The page works differently if you are the receiver or the sender.
When you first open an RFP, the General page is displayed. It is view-only for receivers, providing the original information from the planner. Regardless of the modifications you make to the proposal or business data, this page retains the originally requested details for your reference.
Review all of the information provided to determine which sales manager should own the lead, and if you can bid on it or not.
RFP information: Information about who sent the RFP, who is assigned as the RFP Owner, and the RFP ID number.
Meeting Information: A summary of the meeting dates and requirements. Note the response instructions and history comments.
Company Information: Names and addresses of the account and contact for the end user (the organization that is named as having the event, as opposed to a third party planner). If a third-party agency or planner is involved, the sender will indicate if the company or agency contact is the "primary contact". The primary contact will default as the recipient of correspondence sent from MeetingBroker.
Agency Information: If the meeting is being booked by a third party meeting planner, their information will be displayed here.
Guestroom and Event Information: Guestroom pattern and event details display at the bottom of the folder. Revenue figures that display are reflective of the client's budget information.
The sender can attach up to three documents when they send the RFP. When you respond, you can also send up to three attachments with your proposal. All of these attachments are stored in MeetingBroker and can be viewed at any time by clicking the Attachments button.
Printable View
Click the Printable View button to open an RFP Recap that you can print or save if you need to send the details of the lead to someone without access to MeetingBroker.
RFP Comparison
If you received an Updated RFP email, that means that the sender made changes to their original request, and those changes are now reflected in the RFP in MeetingBroker. To help you identify exactly what was updated, click the RFP Comparison button.
Actions available to receivers from the General page
Redirect - send the RFP to another location without bidding or turning down for your location.
Reassign - select someone else at your location to be the RFP Owner.
Create Business - create a booking in Delphi versions 9.2 - 9.5.1.
Reassign & Create Business - select the RFP Owner and create the booking in Delphi 9.2 - 9.5.1 at the same time.
Proposal - bid on the RFP.
Turn Down - decline the RFP.
Link / Unlink - associate or remove the RFP and a booking in Delphi.
Self Award - when the booking is definite, you can click this to update the RFP status.
As a sender, if you open an RFP, you can edit details for an individual location that might be different than what you provided in the meeting page. Make sure you send the RFP again so the receiving location knows about the changes.
Account, agency, and contact information is view-only. The account, agency, and contact information that opens in the RFP is taken from the meeting's account information. If you need to change this information, do so on the meeting level, and the changes will display for all existing RFPs.
Actions available to senders from the General page
Award - if the customer has chosen to move forward with this location, let them know by awarding the RFP.
Withdraw - if the customer has removed this location from consideration, let them know by withdrawing the RFP.
Attachments - any attachments that you sent with the original RFP, or that the property included with their MeetingBroker Proposal are available to be viewed.
Proposal - click to view the MeetingBroker Proposal that the location sent. If the location uses eProposal, it will not display here.