Merge booking documents in alternate languages

If your property is using the alternate languages feature, you can create BEOs, banquet checks, and Advanced Booking documents in one or two languages. This functionality is available whether you are merging a single document or batch merging multiple documents. Your administrator may provide you with a set of templates that should be used when you are merging documents in other languages.

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you get started:

To create an alternate language merge document

  1. Do one of the following to open the Create Merge Document page:
    • On the Booking page, click Merge.
    • On the Manage Events page or the Manage Menus and Items page, click BEO BEO icon of a cloche, select Preview & Merge, and then click the Go To Merge Go to merge icon showing a document with a blue arrow button. Alternatively, click the BEO# link in the events grid, and then click Go To Merge Go to merge icon showing a document with a blue arrow .
  2. Select a BEO, Banquet Check, or Advanced Booking template. The template name might contain both the document type and language, such as Group Contract (French).

Your administrator must configure your templates to support bilingual documents.

  1. Select the Document Type (PDF or DOC). When merging BEOs, Banquet Checks, and Booking Checks, we suggest opting for the PDF format.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To create a single language document, select the appropriate Language and leave Secondary Language set to None.
    • To create a bilingual document, select both a Language and Secondary Language. If you want the document to use your property's default language (for example, English) and another language, leave Language set to Default and select the appropriate Secondary Language.
  3. Select the Locale that should control the translation of date text and the currency format in the document. Time formats, date formats, and currency symbols are not affected by this field. For example:
    Locale = EnglishLocale = SpanishFormat Controlled By
    Monday, May 5thLunes, Mayo 5thMicrosoft Word template - Field code switch dddd, MMMM d, yyyy
    $50.00$50,00Microsoft Word template - Currency fields display the locale decimal and comma placement, but the currency symbol is based on the field code switch $##.##
    2:00 PM2:00 PMMerge field added to the Microsoft Word template (24-hour clock or 12-hour clock)
  4. Complete the other fields on the merge page, as needed. For additional details, refer to the instructions outlined in Merge booking documents.
  5. Click Generate.
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Merge booking documents

Batch merge booking documents

Overview: Alternate languages

View and modify alternate language fields