View and modify alternate language fields

If your property uses the alternate languages feature, your corporate administrator has added additional fields to some of the pages you access from a booking. These alternate language fields contain translated text for the languages available at your property. When you merge a BEO, banquet check, or advanced booking document, the translations in the alternate language fields display.

You might see alternate language fields for menus and items, packages, and other record types. You can modify the text in any of these fields, if needed. Your changes do not overwrite the master translations your administrator entered in Setup.

After you detail a BEO, you can see the menu and item translations by clicking Edit Translations (Icon of a globe) next to the Name field on the Editing Item Details page. This button only displays if you have access to at least one alternate language. If a translation needs to be entered or modified, you can do so in the Edit Translations window. Your changes apply to the menu or item on that event only. If your changes need to apply to future instances of that menu or item, your administrator needs to edit the translation in Setup.

Future bookings do not automatically display the translations that have been entered into Setup. For example, if a menu is translated into another language, the translation does not display on existing bookings. To display the new translation, you need to remove the menu and add it again.

Learn more...

Overview: Alternate languages

Create merge documents in alternate languages