Edit Booking package discounts

To edit or remove a booking discount

After a booking package discount is applied, the only field that can be edited is the name. If the discount needs to be modified, it needs to be removed, and then reapplied after the changes are made.

  1. Open the booking, navigate to the Packages section, and then select the package name. The Booking Package page displays.
  2. Navigate to the Booking Package Discounts section and select the discount name.
  3. Click Remove Discount to remove the original booking discount. Accept the changes.
  4. Click Refresh to see the discount removed.
  5. Edit the discount as needed, and click Apply Discount. Accept the changes.
  6. Click Refresh to see the discount reapplied.
Field Description
Booking Package Discount Information
Name This is the name of the discount to display on your proposal or contract.
Discount Type Percentage - Use this option to apply a percentage discount amount to the booking package.

Flat Amount - Use this option to apply a flat discount amount to the total booking package price.

Flat Amount discounts can only apply to Function Room revenue, Guestroom revenue, or both.

Discount Amount This is based on the selection of Discount Type. If Percentage is selected, the value entered is considered a Percentage Discount. If Flat Amount is selected, the value entered is considered a currency value.
Discount Source Select which Discount Source you want the discount to be applied to:
  • All Revenue - This can only be used when Discount Type is set to Percentage. If this option is selected, the percentage discount applies to all revenue allocated on the package.
  • All Rental except Guestroom - The discount applies to all event and other income rental.
  • Function Room Rental and Guestroom Revenue -
    • If Discount Type is set to Percentage, the percentage discount applies to the allocation of Function Room Rental and Guestroom Revenue.
    • If Discount Type is set to Flat Amount, the Flat Amount applies to the total booking package price.
  • Function Room Rental Revenue - With this option, the discount applies to function room rental only.
  • Guestroom Revenue - With this option, the discount applies to Guestroom revenue only.
Additional Discount Options Select an Additional Discount Option when applying a discount to guestrooms.
  • Blocked Rates - The discount applies to Blocked Rates only.
  • Blocked and Pickup Rates - The discount applies to both Blocked and Pickup rates, if entered and marked complete.

If you have a PMS interface do not use the option for Blocked and Pickup Rates.

To save a PDF of the discount applied

When you apply a discount to a Booking package you can export the details to PDF.

Click Save PDF to export the details of the discount applied to a printable document.

Learn more...

Overview: Booking package discounts

Adding booking package discounts