Edit document templates

Using the Document Template Edit page, you can update the details of a document template record, including the types of information that can be merged. Additional ways a document template can be modified include:

Your changes will be applied the next time the template is used to generate a merge document.

To edit the document template details

  1. Do one of the following to open the Document Template Edit page:
    • To edit a property document template - On the Property page, go to the Document Templates section and click Edit next to the document template.
    • To edit a corporate document template - Navigate to Document Templates, select the appropriate view, and then click Edit next to the document template.
  2. Make the necessary changes to the document templates details.
Document Template Detail
Name The template name must be unique and contain both the document type and language, such as Group Contract, Catering Contract, Wedding Proposal or Group Contract (French),Catering Contract (French), and Wedding Proposal (French).

You cannot have two templates with the same name at a single property.

Booking Event Select None - Booking events are not applicable to the merge document.

Single- The user can select only one booking event for the merge document.

Multi - The user can select multiple booking events for the merge document.

Room Block Select None - Guestrooms are not applicable to the merge document.

Single - The user can select only one room block for the merge document.

Multi- The user can select multiple room blocks for the merge document.

Booking Package Select None - Packages are not applicable to the merge document.

Multi- The user can select multiple packages for the merge document.

Booking Other Income Select None - Other income items are not applicable to the merge document.

Multi- The user can select multiple other income categories for the merge document.

Template Type The template type you select determines the type of information that can be merged into a document. This should match with the selection you specified when creating the template using the Merge Tool.

Use the Advanced Booking template type to create contracts, proposals, and booking checks.

Master Source Corporate (available to all properties) or Property (available only to the selected property).
Property If you're creating a property-specific template, find and select the property. For corporate document templates, leave this field blank.
Active Select to make the template available to users when they are merging.
Share with Delphi Select Only displays in a multi-module org. Select if this corporate template should be available to all properties using Delphi Select. (Master Source must be Corporate, and Template Type must be Advanced Booking).
Advanced Booking Display Options

The following options are available for the Advanced Booking template type only.

Display Cross-Property Events Includes cross-property booking events from multiple properties in a single contract or proposal. This option requires the Merge Add-In Tool version or later, which includes the Property:Property template part field. Once this field has been added to an event table in the merge template, the document will display the name of the property where each event is being held.
Hide Run of House Rooms

Hide Occupancies without Rooms/Rates

Hide Room Types without Rooms/Rates

When selected, these options automatically exclude certain guestrooms from displaying in merge documents. This ensures that your customers see only the guestroom details that are relevant to their booking and saves you from having to manually modify every contract. This is especially helpful for properties that do not block ROH rooms or multiple occupancies.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • When you select the Hide Run of House Rooms check box, the ROH row will be hidden regardless of whether or not rooms have been blocked in ROH.
  • If values have been entered for an occupancy on one room type, that occupancy will display for other rooms types regardless if rooms or rates have been entered.
  1. Click Save.
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Create merge templates

Overview: Document templates