Create document templates

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After you create a merge template in Microsoft Word, you can make it available to users by attaching it to a document template in Delphi. When you make changes to your document, attach the updated file to the document template. The updates are available to users the next time they merge.

To create a document template

  1. Do one of the following to open the New Document Template page:
    • To create a property document template, on the Property page, go to the Document Templates section and click New.
    • To create a corporate document template, navigate to Document Templates and click New.
  2. Complete the fields on this page as needed:

    Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

    Document template details
    Name The template name needs to be unique and contain both the document type and the language, such as 'Group Contract' or 'Group Contract (French).'

    You cannot have two templates with the same name at a property.

    Booking Event Select Select one of the following:

    None - Booking events are not applicable to the merge document.

    Single - The user can select only one booking event for the merge document.

    Multi - The user can select multiple booking events for the merge document.

    Room Block Select Select one of the following:

    None - Guestrooms are not applicable to the merge document.

    Single - The user can select only one room block for the merge document.

    Multi - The user can select multiple room blocks for the merge document.

    Booking Package Select Select one of the following:

    None - Packages are not applicable to the merge document.

    Multi - The user can select multiple packages for the merge document.

    Booking Other Income Select Select one of the following:

    None - Other income items are not applicable to the merge document.

    Multi - The user can select multiple other income categories for the merge document.

    Template Type The template type you select controls the type of information that displays. The template type needs to match the selection made when creating the merge template in Word.
    Master Source Corporate - The template is available to all properties.

    Property - The template is only available to the selected property.

    Property If you create a property-specific template, find and select the property. For corporate document templates, leave this field blank.
    Active Select this checkbox to make the template available to users.
    Share with Delphi Select This option only displays in a multi-module org. Select this checkbox if this corporate template needs to be available to all properties using Delphi Select.

    The Master Source value needs to be Corporate and the Template Type value needs to be Advanced Booking.

    Show BEO Menu/Item based on Serve Time Select this option to display menus and items by the order of the service times defined in the menu and item window. If the service times are the same for all menus and items, the assigned sort order controls the display order. The order priority is defined as follows: Service Start Date, Service Start Time, Service End Date, Service End Time, Sort Order.

    To use this feature, you need to use the default Amadeus BEO template. See Import Amadeus templates for more information.

    Advanced booking display options details

    The following options are only available for the Advanced Booking template type.

    Display Cross-Property Events Select this option to include cross-property booking events.

    This option requires the Merge Add-In Tool version or higher, which includes the Property:Property template part field. Once this field has been added to an event table, the document displays the name of the property where each event is held.

    Hide Run of House Rooms

    Hide Occupancies without Rooms/Rates

    Hide Room Types without Rooms/Rates

    Select these options to hide certain guestrooms from the merge document. These options can be helpful for properties that do not block ROH rooms or multiple occupancies.

    Additional information:

    • When you select the Hide Run of House Rooms checkbox, the ROH row is hidden even if rooms are blocked in ROH.
    • If values are entered for an occupancy on one room type, that occupancy displays for all other room types.
  3. Click Save. The Document Template page displays.
  4. If you are creating an advanced booking, BEO, or banquet check template, add the appropriate sections.
  5. In the Notes & Attachments section, click Upload Files (Attach File). The Attach File to Document Template page displays.
  6. Select the appropriate Word template.
  7. Upload and attach the file.
Learn more...

Overview: Document templates

Edit document templates

Attach a new Word template to a document template

Create merge templates