Overview: Package guestrooms

When you build any 24-hour package in Setup, you need to decide which guestroom types can be sold as part of the package. Each package can offer multiple room types, but they need to be assigned the same rate for each occupancy level.

When users add the package to a booking and create a room block, the default occupancy rates display in the Room Block Details page.

The Agreed and Forecasted rows reflect the corresponding package attendance numbers that were entered on the Booking Package Attendance page. Those attendance numbers are used to calculate the number of single-occupancy rooms needed for the group. If you block rooms in multiple occupancies, you can update the room quantities. The occupancies you enter need to equal the corresponding package attendance for that day.

For example, if the package attendance is 50 and you block in single and double occupancies, your room block numbers could be: 30/10 (30 + 20 = 50 attendees). If a discrepancy exists between your room block numbers and the package attendance, the room block information overrides the package attendance. For example, if your original package attendance was 50 but you block 30 single and 12 double occupancy rooms, the package attendance updates to 54.

Unlike same-day packages, the package attendance for 24-hour packages updates from the room block rather than the Booking Package Attendance page. This page becomes read-only when a room block is created for the package. Any changes you make to the room block, however, update the package attendance on this page for future reference. The guaranteed attendance on the package and its events is calculated by the blocked number of rooms before the room block is marked Pickup Complete. After Pickup Complete is selected for the room block, the guaranteed attendance is calculated by the picked up number of rooms.

Using the guestroom rates and room block numbers, the daily package price per person and per guestroom is calculated.

Before you begin adding guestroom types and rates to a package, consider the following:

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Add guestrooms to packages

Edit guestrooms on packages

Remove guestrooms from packages