Booking Package Attendance page

After you select the package you want to add to a booking, the Booking Package Attendance page displays. Use this page to create the package events, other income items, and guestrooms for the booking. You can always return to this page by clicking Manage Attendance on the Booking Package page. You can view the current package attendance numbers on this page. Package attendance is managed differently depending on if you are working on a same-day page or a 24-hour package.

To manage package attendance for same-day packages

Use the Booking Package Attendance page to enter and manage the package attendance for a same-day package. Because all events occur on a single day with no guestrooms, you only need to enter the appropriate package attendance for each day of events. The attendance numbers apply to the package events and other income items on the booking. To update the package attendance, use the Booking Package Attendance page. Some exceptions apply.

If additional guests attend an event outside of the package, those individuals are considered to be non-package attendees. Non-package attendees are charged for the services consumed outside of the package price. You can track non-package attendees on the Booking Event page For more information, see Manage non-package attendance on events.

To manage package attendance for 24-hour packages

Unlike same-day packages, the package attendance for 24-hour packages updates from the room block rather than the Booking Package Attendance page. This page becomes read-only when a room block is created for the package. Any updates to the package attendance need to be made from the Room Block Details window. When you create a package room block, you have two options. You can:

  1. Enter the package attendance on the Booking Package Attendance page and then create the room block - 24-Hour meeting packages can include services that take place on different days. The attendance for Next Day events is calculated by the number of guests who consumed guestrooms the previous night. When you save the package attendance and create a room block, the attendance numbers are used to calculate the number of single-occupancy rooms needed. If you block rooms in multiple occupancies, you need to update the values. The occupancies you enter need to equal the corresponding package attendance for that day.

    For example, if the package attendance is 75 and you block in single, double, and triple occupancies, your room block numbers could be: 30/15/5 (30 + 30 + 15 = 75 attendees). If a discrepancy exists between your room block numbers and the package attendance, the room block information overrides the package attendance. In other words, if your package attendance is 75 but you block 78 rooms, the package attendance updates to 78. All events with a Next Day designation, also display an attendance of 78.

  2. Create the room block without entering the package attendance on the Booking Package Attendance page - The guestroom and occupancy values you enter in the Room Block Details window are used to calculate the package attendance. Any changes made to the room block reflect on the Booking Package Attendance page.

Exceptions to consider

The following describes some exceptions to the way attendance is managed for package events and other income items.


If the Apply Package Attendance check box is not selected on the package event, the total package attendance does not apply to the event. Instead, you need to use the Package Booking Event page to enter the attendance. You can specify the attendance for certain events, such as breakout sessions, where you do not want to the total package attendance to apply.

If additional guests attend an event outside of the package, those individuals are considered to be non-package attendees. Non-package attendees are charged for the services consumed outside of the package price. You can track non-package attendees on the Booking Event page. For more information, see Manage non-package attendance on events.

Other Income Items

An other income item uses the package attendance when the Charge To value on the Package Other Income page is set to Master. Any changes you make on the Booking Package Attendance page reflect in the item quantity and revenue calculations. If Charge To is set to Individual, the other income item is still considered a package service. However, you need to enter the item quantity in the Price and Attendance grid on the Booking Other Income page.

Keyboard shortcuts

To help you add attendance, the following keyboard shortcuts are available for the Agreed, Forecasted, and Guaranteed rows:

You can only copy forward in a pattern and existing values are not overwritten. Your corporate administrator needs to enable this feature for your org before you can use it.

Learn more...

Overview: Booking packages

Package attendance

Create package events on the booking

Associate different events to the package

Create a package room block on the booking

Associate a different room block to the package

Create package other income items on the booking

Associate a different other income item to the package