Add packages to bookings

When you add a package to a booking, the per person package price displays. This price is based on the events, other income items, and guestrooms that were added to the package in Setup. Any changes you make to the package services are reflected in the per person price.

To add a package to a booking

  1. Open the booking, go to the Packages section, and then click New. The New Booking Package page displays.
  2. Select the package to add to the booking.

    You can only add a package to a booking once. After a package is added, the package is no longer available for selection.

  3. If needed, modify the Abbreviation and Display Name.

    The Total Package Price Per Person displays below the package information. This price is based on defaults entered in Setup. You can customize the package to meet your group's needs in the following ways:

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Save to save your changes and enter your package attendance in the Booking Package Attendance page, if applicable.
    • Click Save & New to save your changes and add another package to the booking.
    • Click Cancel to discard your changes.

You can also customize the package by associating a different event, other income item, or room block to it.

To see how your changes affect the package price, use the Booking Package page.

Learn more...

Edit booking packages

Remove packages from bookings

View package pricing information