View package pricing information

The Booking Package page displays the package's daily per person price. If guestrooms are included in the package, you can also indicate if the guestroom rate needs to be included in the package price.

To open the Booking Package page, do one of the following:

Field Description
Name This is the name of the package as you want it display to users. This needs to be a descriptive name if you have multiple versions of a package type. For example, your property offers similar packages, one for weekdays and another for weekends. Because each package is priced differently, you want to make sure that your users select the correct one when they detail a booking.
Abbreviation This is the package abbreviation.
Display Name While each of your package names needs to be unique, you might want a more generic name to display in customer-facing documents. In the previous example, you do not need to specify 'weekday' or 'weekend' in the Display Name field for each package.
Description This is a rich-text description of the package that details all the services included in the per person package price. Use the formatting toolbar to customize the appearance of this description on customer-facing documents.
Property This is the name of the property that is offering the package.
Booking This is the name of the booking associated with the package.
Booking Information
Arrival Date and Departure Date These are the booking's arrival and departure dates.
Room Block
Room Block If package guestrooms are added to the booking, the name of the room block displays. You can click the link to open the Room Block Details window.
Include Guestrooms in Package Price When this option is selected, the guestroom allocation is included in the package price on the booking check. The guestroom rate displays as 'included in package.'

When this option is cleared, the guestroom allocation displays in the guestrooms section of the booking check. The package price represents only the event and other income allocations of the package. You can track guestroom revenue outside of the package while still managing the room block attendance as part of the package. Users can override this setting on the Booking Package Detail page if necessary.

Package Price

You can also view this information by clicking Price Details at the top of the page.

Per Person Price Per Day If the package includes guestrooms in the price, the following calculation is made for each occupancy level and date:

Per Person Price Per Day = Guestroom Rate Per Person + Total Event Price Per Person + Total Other Income Price Per Person

If you have not blocked in a particular occupancy, the corresponding row in this section displays the Total Event Price Per Person+Total Other Income Price Per Person.

If the package does not include guestrooms in the price, the following calculation displays in the Day Guest row for each date:

Per Person Price Per Day = Total Event Price Per Person + Total Other Income Price Per Person

The following options are also available:

  • Blocked - Uses the blocked guestroom rate in the first calculation above.
  • Picked Up - Uses the picked up guestroom rate in the first calculation above.
  • Inclusive Prices - When selected, the per person prices display inclusive of taxes, admin, and gratuity, if they have been marked as 'show as part of inclusive price.'
  • Total Prices - When selected, the per person prices display inclusive of all taxes, admin, and gratuity, regardless of whether they are marked as 'show as part of inclusive price.'
  • Discounted - When selected, the discounted per person prices display exclusive of taxes, admin or gratuity. If the Inclusive Prices is also selected the value shows the discounted per person prices inclusive of taxes, admin and gratuity.
Per Guestroom Price Per Day If the package includes guestrooms in the price, the following calculation is made for each occupancy level and date:

Per Guestroom Price Per Day = Guestroom Rate + Total Event Price Per Person + Total Other Income Price Per Person

If the package does not include guestrooms in the price, only the room rate for that day displays.

The following options are also available.

  • Blocked - Uses the blocked guestroom rate in the calculation above.
  • Picked Up - Uses the picked up guestroom rate in the calculation above.
  • Inclusive Prices - When selected, the per guestroom prices display inclusive of taxes, admin, and gratuity, if they have been marked as 'show as part of inclusive price.'
  • Total Prices - When selected, the per guestroom prices display inclusive of all taxes, admin, and gratuity, regardless of whether they are marked as 'show as part of inclusive price.'.
  • Discounted - When selected, the discounted per person prices display exclusive of taxes, admin or gratuity. If the Inclusive Prices is also selected the value shows the discounted per person prices inclusive of taxes, admin and gratuity.
Package Codes by Day
Non-guestroom package components This section displays the package events and package other income items on the booking. This information is used to communicate package information in a PMS integration.
Learn more...

Overview: Booking packages

Overview: Booking other income items

Add packages to bookings

Create package room blocks on bookings

Create package events on bookings