Edit booking packages

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Use the Booking Package Edit page to modify the details of a package.

To edit a booking package

  1. Do one of the following to open the Booking Package Edit page:

    • Open the booking, navigate to the Packages section, and then click Edit next to the package.
    • Open the booking package and click Edit.
  2. Update the following fields as needed:

    Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

    AbbreviationThis is the package abbreviation.
    Display NameWhile each of your package names needs to be unique, you might want a more generic name to display in customer-facing documents.
    DescriptionThis is a rich-text description of the package that details all the services included in the per person package price. Use the formatting toolbar to customize the appearance of this description on customer-facing documents.
    Room Block
    Room BlockIf package guestrooms are added to the booking, the name of the room block displays.
    Include Guestrooms in Package PriceWhen this option is selected, the guestroom allocation is included in the package price on the booking check. The guestroom rate displays as 'included in package.'

    When this option is cleared, the guestroom allocation displays in the guestrooms section of the booking check. The package price represents only the event and other income allocations of the package. You can track guestroom revenue outside of the package while still managing the room block attendance as part of the package. Users can override this setting on the Booking Package Detail page if necessary.

  3. Click Save.
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Overview: Booking packages

Add packages to bookings

View package pricing information

Remove packages from bookings