Associate room blocks to booking packages

You can associate an existing room block to a booking package. The room block numbers update the package attendance and any existing package events that are charged to the Master.

If you already created a package room block and are replacing it with another one, the original room block is moved to the booking. A package can only have one room block associated with it.

To associate a room block to a package

  1. On the Booking Package Attendance page, click Associate Room Block.
  2. Select the Room Block you want to add to the package. Only room blocks on the current booking are available for selection.
  3. In the Default Rooms To list, select the room type you want to block by default.
  4. Click Save and Close. The Room Block Details window displays.
  5. Modify the room block numbers and rate, as needed.

    If you block in multiple occupancies, the occupancies you enter need to equal the corresponding package attendance for that day. For example, if the package attendance is 75 and you block in single, double, and triple occupancies, your room block numbers could be: 30/15/5 (30 + 30 + 15 = 75 attendees). If a discrepancy exists between your room block numbers and the package attendance, the room block information overrides the package attendance. In other words, if your package attendance is 75 but you block 78 rooms, the package attendance updates to 78. All events with a Next Day designation, also display an attendance of 78.

    If you are blocking in multiple room types, they all need to use the same rate. If you have negotiated different rates for the same room type, you need to create a different package for each rate.

  6. Click Save and then click Close.
Learn more...

Overview: Booking packages

Create package room blocks on bookings

Enter package attendance

More about package attendance