View booking package event details

The Booking Package Event page displays the per person event price, the package attendance numbers, and the current booked and actual revenue. In addition to viewing the package event details, you can use this page to:

To open the Booking Package Event page, open the booking, navigate to the Booking Events grid and click View next to the event. On the Booking Event page, navigate to the Package Attendance section and click the package name.

The following information displays:

Field Description
Booking This is the booking associated with this package event. Click the link to open the Booking page.
Booking Package This is the package associated with this package event. Click the link to open the Booking Package page.
Booking Event This is the event record associated with this package event. Click the link to open the Booking Event page and enter any non-package event attendees.
Property This is the name of the property that offers the package.
Package Event This is the package event record in Setup. Click the link to open the Package Event page.

This page is only available to the administrator who created the package event.

Name This is the name of this package event.
Package Event Per Person Price
Total Price This is the per person event price.
Package Attendance
Attendance Day Type This indicates how the package event attendance calculates when Apply Package Attendance is selected:
  • Previous Day Attd - With this option, the event attendance calculates using the package attendance that is set for the day before the event's start date.
  • Day of Attd - With this option, the event attendance calculates using the package attendance that is set for the event's start date.
  • Next Day Attd - With this option, the event attendance calculates using the package attendance that is set for the day after the event's start date.

If Apply Package Attendance is not selected, the event's attendance is manually entered.

Apply Package Attendance
  • When selected, the total package attendance applies to the event based on the Attendance Day Type setting.
  • When cleared, the total package attendance does not apply to the event. Instead, the event attendance is entered in the attendance fields on the Booking Package Event page. Those attendance numbers are considered a subset of the package attendance and continue to be managed as part of the package.

Examples of events when you might not apply the total package attendance include breakout sessions and breaks for large groups that require multiple setups.

Agreed, Forecast, and Guaranteed Package Attendance When Apply Package Attendance is selected, these fields display the package attendance that applies to the event. When Apply Package Attendance is cleared, you can manually enter the appropriate attendance numbers for the event.
Package Event Per Person Quantity
Booked Package Covers This value calculates based on the forecasted number of package attendees on the event.

If forecasted numbers are unavailable, agreed numbers display instead.

Package Covers This value calculates based on the most current number of package attendees on the event.
Event Package Revenue Summary

The calculations in this section apply only to the package revenue generated by the event. Non-package quantities are not included.

Booked Revenue This value calculates as follows:

Booked Revenue = Package Booked Quantity * Event Revenue Breakdown

Actual Revenue This value calculates as follows:

Actual Revenue = Package Actual Quantity * Event Revenue Breakdown

Additional Information

Event Package Revenue Breakdowns Use this section to create, edit, and delete the event's revenue breakdown. The revenue breakdown is used to calculate the package revenue and applicable taxes.
Learn more...

Create package events on bookings

Manage package attendance on events

Manage non-package attendance on events

Disassociate events from a booking package