Disassociate events from booking packages

You can disassociate an event from a booking package with the Booking Events grid or the Edit Multiple Events window.

When you disassociate an event from a booking package, the following changes occur:

To disassociate events from a package using the Booking Events grid

  1. Open the booking, navigate to the Booking Events grid, and select the appropriate events.
  2. Next to each event, click in the Booking Packages column to activate the list, and then clear the check box next to the selected package.
  3. Click Save.

To disassociate events from a package using the Edit Multiple Events window

  1. Open the booking, and navigate to the Booking Events grid.
  2. Select the appropriate events, and click Edit Multiple.
  3. In the Booking Packages list, clear the check box next to the selected package, and then click Update.
  4. Click Save.
Learn more...

Associate events to booking packages

Open booking package events

View package pricing information