View package other income items in Setup

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type only. If you are using the Delphi Core product type and want to learn more about the Delphi product type, contact your sales representative.

The Package Other Income page in Setup displays the following information about an other income item.

You can access this page by opening the Package page, navigating to the Package Other Income section, and then clicking the appropriate item.

Field Description
Other Income An other income item must exist in Setup before it can be added to a package. See Overview: Other income items.
Charge To This indicates how the other income needs to be priced and how the quantity is calculated:
  • Master - The other income item is included in the per person package price. The quantity is calculated automatically using the package attendance. The attendance fields in the Price and Attendance grid cannot be modified.

  • Individual - The other income item is not included in the per person package price. The quantity needs to be manually entered using the attendance fields in the Price and Attendance grid.

Create Day This controls the start date of the other income item. You can choose from the Day Of the booking's arrival or the Next Day. To learn more about the Create Day designation, see How package events are created on a booking.
Property This is the name of the property that is offering the package.
Package This is the name of the package associated with the other income item.
Price This is the per person price of the other income item.
Revenue Classification Revenue from the other income item is allocated to this revenue classification on the booking.
Learn more...

Overview: Package Other Income Items

Add other income items to a package

Edit other income items on a package

Remove other income items from a package