Add other income items to a package

When you build a package in Setup, you can add other income items to the bundle of services being sold. An other income item can be included in the per person package price, or as an add-on to the package price.

Before you add other income items to a package in Setup, you need to make sure the items have already been created for the property. See Overview: Other income items.

To add an other income item to a package

  1. Open the package, navigate to the Package Other Income section, and then click New. The New Package Other Income page displays.
  2. Select the Other Income Item to add to the package.
  3. In the Charge To list, indicate how the item is sold and how its quantity is calculated:
    • Master - The other income item is included in the per person package price. The quantity calculates automatically using the package attendance. The attendance fields in the Price and Attendance grid cannot be modified.
    • Individual - The other income item is not included in the per person package price. The quantity needs to be manually entered using the attendance fields in the Price and Attendance grid.
  4. In the Create Day list, select the start date of the other income item. You can choose from the Day Of the booking's arrival or the Next Day. Users can extend this date range when they add the package to a booking. The other income item is added to each day in the specified range. To learn more about the Create Day designation, see How package events are created on a booking.
  5. Update the default Price of the item, if necessary.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Click Save to save your changes and return to the Package page.
    • Click Save and New to add a new other income item to the package.
    • Click Cancel to discard your changes.
Learn more...

Overview: Package Other Income Items

View other income items on a package

Edit other income items on a package

Remove other income items from a package