Overview: Other income items

An other income item generates revenue that is not included in the standard event or guestroom revenue categories. Examples include golf, spa, transportation, parking, restaurant meals, and ski lift tickets. Other income items can be sold as part of a package or they can be added to the booking outside of a package. The Other Income section of the Booking page indicates whether or not an other income item is included in the per person package price. Other income items are created at the property level by an administrator.

Non-package other income items

When other income items are sold outside of a package, they can be added to the booking using the New Booking Other Income page.

This page can also be used to associate an other income item to a package on the booking.

Users then enter the quantity of items needed for the booking using the Price and Attendance grid on the Booking Other Income page. The price of the item can also be updated, as needed.

Package other income items

When an other income item is included in a package, the Charge To designation indicates how the item is sold and how its quantity is calculated:

As an example, the Complete Meeting Package includes two other income items: Parking and Golf. Parking is charged to the Master, so its 30.00 price is included in the total per person package price. Golf is an optional add-on to the package, so it is charged to the Individual and is tracked as non-package revenue.

Other income revenue

The revenue from other income items is aggregated into the appropriate revenue classifications and is displayed in the following sections on the Booking page:

The revenue from an other income item will only display on the booking when the Revenue Allocation field is set to S&C on the Other Income page. The S&C option must also be selected for the other income item to appear in merge documents, such as the booking check.

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