View package details in Setup

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The Package page in Setup displays the package's availability dates, and total per person prices. You can also use this page to add the default events, other income items, and guestrooms to the package.

To open the Package page, navigate to Packages on the property page, and then click the package name.

Information details
Name This is the name of the package as you want it display to users. This needs to be a descriptive name if you have multiple versions of a package type. For example, your property offers similar packages, one for weekdays and another for weekends. Because each package is priced differently, you want to make sure that your users select the correct one when they detail a booking.
Display Name While each of your package names needs to be unique, you might want a more generic name to display in customer-facing documents. In the previous example, you do not need to specify 'weekday' or 'weekend' in the Display Name field for each package.
Abbreviation This is the package abbreviation.
Start Date and End Date This is the date range the package is available at the property. If you want the package to always be available, leave these fields blank.

The package is available for bookings with arrival dates within the specified date range. The departure date can be outside of this date range.

Description This is a rich-text description of the package that details all the services included in the per person package price. Use the formatting toolbar to customize the appearance of this description on customer-facing documents.
Active When selected, the package is available to users. When cleared, the package is retired and no longer displays in lists.
Property This is the name of the property that is offering the package.
Corporate Package Reference If necessary, this is the corporate identifier assigned to the package. Because multiple properties can offer similar packages, with different names, the Corporate Package Reference is used to group those packages together for corporate-level reporting.
Include Guestrooms in Package Price When this option is selected, the guestroom allocation is included in the package price on the booking check. The guestroom rate displays as 'included in package.'

When this option is cleared, the guestroom allocation displays in the guestrooms section of the booking check. The package price represents only the event and other income allocations of the package. You can track guestroom revenue outside of the package while still managing the room block attendance as part of the package. Users can override this setting on the Booking Package Detail page if necessary.

Inclusive When this option is selected, the per person price is inclusive of all charges, based on your configuration.
Total package price per person (calculated) details
Total Event Price This is the sum of the per person event prices. You can see the events on the package in the Package Events section.
Total Other Income Price This is the sum of the per person other income prices. You can see the other income items on the package in the Package Other Income section.
Total Package Price This is the sum of the Total Event Price and the Total Other Income Price.
Total event price per person (calculated) details
Package <Revenue Classification> Price This is the sum of the package event revenue breakdowns by revenue classification. Together, these revenue breakdowns equal the Total Event Price Per Person.
Total other income price per person (calculated) details
Package <Revenue Classification> Price This is the sum of the package other income item prices by revenue classification. Together, these prices equal the Total Other Income Price Per Person.
Associated records details
Package Events Use this section to create, edit, and delete events on the package. When users add the package to a booking, they can choose to create all the events on the package or only those requested by their group.

Users can also associate other events to the package.

Package Guestrooms Use this section to select the guestroom types to be sold on the package and enter the rate for those rooms. Each package can offer multiple rooms types, however, they need to be assigned the same rate for each occupancy level (S/D/T/Q). For example, the rates for your King and Queen rooms might be entered as follows: 200/250/300/350. The per person guestroom rate calculates when the package room block is created.
Package Other Income Use this section to create, edit, and delete other income items on the package.
Learn more...

Edit packages

Delete packages

Learn about package attendance

Understand how package events are created on bookings

Work with package events

Work with package event revenue breakdowns

Work with package guestrooms

Work with package other income items