More about package attendance

The package attendance—along with the Event Create Day designation on each package event—are used to determine how many guests will be attending the event. After you add a booking to a package, the Booking Package Attendance page opens. This is where you enter the attendance and select the services that are included with the package.

Day meeting package

For Day Meeting Packages where all events occur on a single day and there are no guestrooms, you simply enter the appropriate attendance for each day of events.

Package attendance

Package Name Attendance Type Mon




Day Meeting Package Agreed 50 45
  Forecast 50 45

Events created on the booking

Event Event Date Event Create Day Event Attendance
Breakfast 2/2 Day Of 50
Meeting 2/2 Day Of 50
Lunch 2/2 Day Of 50
Breakfast 2/3 Day Of 45
Meeting 2/3 Day Of 45
Lunch 2/3 Day Of 45

Prior to the booking's arrival, you can continue to modify the package attendance using the Booking Package Attendance page, and the attendance for all package events will be updated accordingly.

If an additional guest attends an event outside of the guarantee period, that person is tracked as a non-package attendee and is charged for the services consumed outside of the package price. You track non-package attendees using the Booking Event page. For more information, see Manage non-package attendance on events.

Complete meeting package

Entering package attendance for a complete meeting package works a little differently. Because the package price bundles together a set of services that span a 24-hour period, the attendance for Next Day events is driven by the number of guests who consumed guestrooms the previous night.

Package attendance

Package Name Attendance Type Mon






Complete Meeting Package Agreed 50 40  
  Forecast 50 40  

In this example, notice that attendance numbers are not entered for Wednesday, 2/4. While there are still events scheduled for that day, the attendance for those events will pull from Tuesday, 2/3, the final evening that guestrooms are being consumed.

Events created on the booking

Event Event Date Event Create Day Event Attendance
Dinner 2/2 Day Of 50
Breakfast 2/3 Next Day 50
Meeting 2/3 Next Day 50
Lunch 2/3 Next Day 50
Dinner 2/3 Day Of 40
Breakfast 2/4 Next Day 40
Meeting 2/4 Next Day 40
Lunch 2/4 Next Day 40

When you save the package attendance and create a room block for the package, those attendance numbers are used to determine the number of single-occupancy rooms that are needed for the group. If you block rooms in multiple-occupancies, you can update the room numbers accordingly. The occupancies you enter should equal the corresponding package attendance for that day.

For example, if the package attendance is 75 and you block in single, double, and triple occupancies, your room block numbers should look something like: 30/15/5 (30 + 30 + 15 = 75 attendees). If there is a discrepancy between your room block numbers and the package attendance, the room block information will "trump" the package attendance. In other words, if your initial package attendance is 75 but you block 78 single-occupancy rooms, the package attendance is updated to 78 and all events with a Next Day designation will also have an attendance of 78.

Unlike day delegate packages, the package attendance for complete meeting (24-hour) packages is updated from the room block rather than the Booking Package Attendance page. In fact, this page becomes read-only as soon as a room block is created for the package. Any changes you make to the room block, however, will update the package attendance on this page so you can continue to reference it any time. All associated package events will also be updated to reflect the new attendance numbers.

Additional guests can be added to the package at any time using the Booking Package Attendance page (for day delegate packages) or the Room Block Details window (for complete meeting packages). If an additional guest attends one of the events outside of the package, that person is tracked as a non-package attendee and is charged for services consumed independent of the package price. For more information, see Enter package actuals.