Enter package guarantees

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type. If you are using the Delphi Core product type, click here to access the Delphi Core-specific online help.

When you enter guarantees, you need to do so for the following package components:

The event guarantees you enter update the Actual Quantity of menus and items on the Manage Menus and Items page. The values also update the revenue numbers on the Booking page and the other income guarantees you enter.

Events using the total package attendance

For events using the total package attendance, you can enter guarantees in one of two ways.

Same-day packages

Enter the guarantee values on the Booking Package Attendance page, and the attendance for all package events is updated. Any changes to the guarantee before the booking's arrival need to be entered on Booking Package Attendance page.

24-Hour packages

For packages that include guestrooms, enter the guarantee values in the Room Block Details window. This method is necessary because package attendance for 24-hour packages is calculated by the number of people consuming guestrooms. When you create a room block for the package, the Booking Package Attendance page becomes read-only. Any changes you make to the room block, however, are reflected on that page for future reference. To enter your package guarantee, enter the Blocked number of rooms in the Room Block Details window. Your Blocked numbers automatically populate the Guaranteed Attendance fields on the Booking Package Attendance page. If needed, you can always update the Blocked number of rooms after you receive the final guarantee. Your package attendance is updated whenever the Blocked number of rooms changes.

Events not using the total package attendance

If an event does not use the total package attendance, enter the guarantee value in the Booking Package Event page. The Apply Package Attendance checkbox needs to be cleared before you can change the attendance value.

Events with non-package attendees

When guests attend an event outside of the package, they are considered non-package attendees on the Booking Event page. The non-package guarantee value you enter is added to the package guarantee and displays in the read-only Guaranteed field on that page.

Other income items

If an other income item is charged to the Master, the package attendance calculates the guaranteed quantity. If the item is charged to the Individual, enter the guarantee using the Price and Attendance grid on the Booking Other Income page.

You can also use the Booking Other Income page to enter guarantee values for non-package other income items. In the Values For list, select Non-Package and enter the guarantee values.

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Enter package actuals

Add menus and items to package events