Overview: Reassign owners

To help alleviate some of the administrative tasks associated with employee turnover and data migrations, property administrators can reassign accounts, bookings, or activities from one user to another to ensure a smooth transition.

For example, you can move open tasks and appointments to a new owner, reassign bookings from the previous catering manager to the new replacement staff, or move accounts from one person to another.

Navigate to Amadeus Settings, then click Reassign Owners. Select the Property if applicable, and then select the type of record you want to reassign: Task, Appointment, Booking, or Account.

Use the options on the page to filter the records and then select the new owner, and click Update Owners.

Tasks and appointments are not specific to a property, and therefore, no property selection is required.

To view a list of the records that have been updated, click Audit History. If your property has custom validation rules, some records may not update because reassigning the record would "break" the validation rule—this is normal. If necessary, you can manually update those records.

The administrator reassigning records must have a default property selected and be able to edit all records for the property.

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Reassign tasks

Reassign appointments

Reassign bookings

Reassign accounts