
Only administrators have access to the Layouts page.

Before you use this page, ensure you have completed the recommended steps in Resources and Seating Preferences.

When creating a diagram, you have two options: design mode and automatic layout mode. While design mode can be used to set up the layout of your meeting space, the faster way is to use automatic layout mode. To enable automatic layout mode, you first need to set the default layouts for each meeting space. For example, you can choose how the banquet setup style is arranged in the ballroom to fill the space to maximum capacity.

Capacities can be updated in both the Layouts and the Capacities pages. For accuracy, Amadeus recommends maximum capacities are always set in Layouts. Updates made in Capacities do not override Layouts. Updates in Layouts override Capacities unless Lock Capacities is selected in Options.

The maximum capacity for the reception setup style is defined only on the Capacities page.

The default layouts defined on this page are used when a diagram is created with automatic layout mode. Design mode can then be used to customize the diagram for the specifics of an event.

To open this page, in the navigation menu (Icon of a hamburger menu), click Administration and then click Layouts.

If Amadeus created your meeting spaces for you during installation, the most popular setup styles were added for you. If your property uses Exhibit or Theater Chevron styles, follow the steps below to enable them.

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Seating preferences

What's next?

How to create a quick room plan

How to create a diagram