Import room plans

Do you already have room plans you want to use? You can import and customize them using the design tools. Room plans can be imported using MeetingMatrix Setup files (.mms). These are the custom arrangements drawn for events.

You have a choice to import a single room plan at a time, or use mass import to quickly load a collection of diagrams. If you choose to mass import, decide if they are for a particular event, or if you want to create them as quick room plans. These allow you to build a library of room arrangements available to use on any booking and save you time.

If your customers have started a room plan using your Delphi Diagramming - Website Edition, then you can import the URL that they chose to share with you.

Good to know

To import a room plan to an event

If you have a large number of files to load, save time by first organizing them by the meeting space they belong in. Then, import them in separate batches per meeting space. For example, import all the plans for Ballroom A in one batch, and then all the plans for Ballroom B in a second import.

  1. Open a booking and click Create Room Plan, or Add Room Plan Teal square with a white plus.
  2. Enter a Plan Name.
  3. Do one of the following:
  4. Continue with Designing Room Plans on the room plan canvas.

To mass import MeetingMatrix 2010 files

  1. Open a booking or click on your name and select Quick Room Plans.

  2. Click Mass Import Icon of a folder with an arrow and select Mass Import.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you are importing to quick room plans and have access to multiple properties, select the property. Click Change to select the appropriate room if all the diagrams are for the same meeting space. If not, you can select a different space for each later.

    • If you are importing to a booking, select the event.

  4. Click Browse and then navigate to the file location where your MMS files are stored.

  5. Press and hold CTRL on your keyboard and click to select multiple files. Alternatively, click in the white space in the File Upload window and then press and hold CTRL+ A to select all files.

  6. Click Open.

    • If required, change the name of the room plan by overwriting the text in Plan Name. This is the name that will be visible to users.

    • Click Change Settings cog next to each plan to use a different meeting space.

    • Click Delete Record Icon of a trash can if a particular room plan should not be imported.

  7. Click Mass Import.

  8. Refresh your browser window to see the newly created room plans. You can press F5 on your keyboard.

Explore more...

Design room plans

Add room plans to events

Create an event

Create a booking