Edit a diagram
Any booking can include multiple events, and each event might require different diagrams. You can use the Events page to edit those diagrams. To open this page, in the navigation menu (), click Bookings and select a booking.
What do you want to do?

On the Events page, click the Diagram to edit. The drawing canvas displays. Make the necessary changes. See Drawing canvas for more information.

On the Events page, click Edit Room Plan () next to the diagram to edit. Update the Plan Name field, and click Save Changes.

If you need to make many edits, you can open a diagram in sketch mode to simplify resource outlines for faster rendering. To do so, click Open Room Plan in Sketch Mode () next to the diagram to open. The drawing canvas displays in sketch mode. For more information, see Drawing canvas.
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What's next?
How to batch print event information
How to print or share a diagram