Manage location assignment rules

Location assignment rules assign the RFP Owner for new RFPs that are received by any location that is not email only.

Use the Location RFP Assignment page to do the following:

For additional information, see Overview: Assignment rules.

Location rule order

When a new RFP is received, it is compared with the location assignment rules from the top down. The first one that matches is applied, and none of the rules below it are considered. If no matching rule is found, it is assigned to the Default Lead Coordinator (DLC), who is identified on the Location Details page.

Because only the first matching rule is used, it is important to put your rules in the correct order. For example, in the image below, the rules are ordered this way because Jenny handles Corporate business that comes from Florida, and Karl handles all other Corporate. If the rule for Karl was above the rule for Jenny, she would never get any of her leads because all of the Corporate leads would first be assigned to Karl.

Example of RFP order with "Corporate and Florida to Jenny" above "Corporate to Karl"

Use the blue up and down arrows to put the rules in the appropriate order, and then click Save.

Default escalation rules always appear at the bottom of the list and can't be reordered.

Learn more...

Detail an assignment rule

Overview: Assignment rules

Manage subscription assignment rules

Overview: Escalation