Manage location details
Very important settings for assignment, escalation, and searching are managed on the Location Details page. Most importantly, the Default Lead Coordinator (DLC) must always be assigned to an active user to make sure you don't miss any new leads. Also, if you're using escalation, the hours of operation and holidays are critical for that to function properly.
To enter location details
- From the Administration Home page, click the Locations tab.
- Select a location, and then click Details.
- The following options are available:
Assign users to roles and user groups The Default Lead Coordinator (DLC) is the "safety net" for incoming RFPs that do not match any location assignment rules or that are assigned to a user whose out-of-office option has been enabled.
The DLC can be anyone who has access to the location with manager-level access or higher. Only one user can be selected for this role.
If integration with Delphi exists, every time you wish to change the DLC for your property, you must also update the Default Lead Coordinator field in the MeetingBroker section of the Delphi property page.
If this field is blank, newly received RFPs that do not match any location assignment rules are sent to the Subscription DLC.
General Manager, National Sales Administrator, Director of Sales, Management Company Administrator, and Brand Manager
These roles are used to copy someone other than the owner on email messages about reminders, assignment rules, and escalation . You can select more than one user for each role.
In the assignment rule details page, selecting a role rather than a user's name in the CC section can save time when you experience turnover at your location. For example, if you have several assignment rules that copy the Director of Sales and the current director leaves, you only need to update the director’s name once in this role field rather than replacing it in every assignment rule.
If you need roles other than the ones listed here, you can create custom user groups.Default All Sales Managers and Directors A subscription administrator can select this option for locations that don't have a dedicated sales team. This will copy all users at the location with Manager and Director access on New RFP email messages. The whole team will have access to the RFP to respond. This is helpful for properties that work as a team instead of assigning individual ownership. For example, a property that rotates covering the sales duties on different days of the week.
Hours of Operation and Holidays Hours of Operation
If you use escalation, you must indicate when your staff will be in the office to respond to leads. This prevents escalation from counting down outside of your office hours.
- For each day of the week when you have office coverage, select the Start and End times.
- For days that the office is closed, leave the default value of 12:00 AM or 00:00 for both the start and end times.
Holidays prevent escalation for a whole day. If your office will be closed on a day of the week that you normally work, create a holiday. For example, if Christmas falls on Wednesday, create a holiday. But if it falls on Saturday when you are normally closed, you don't need to create one.
To add a new holiday
- Enter a date or select it from the calendar
- Click Add. The date is added to the Current Dates list.
- Click Save.
Taxes and Fees State Sales Tax
If you use the standard MeetingBroker proposal, these fields are displayed in the footer of the appropriate section.
Occupancy Tax
Food Tax
Beverage Tax
Service Fee
Location Attributes Number of Attendees at Largest Event
This information is used when others are sending leads and searching for appropriate locations.
For the largest function room size field: if the unit of measure selected on the General page is feet, enter the function room’s size in square feet. If the unit of measure selected is meters, enter the function room’s size in square meters.
Largest Function Room Size
Total Number of Guestrooms
Peak Number of Guestrooms
Nearest Airport Code
Driving Time to Airport (in minutes)
- Click Save or Save and Close.