Create business reminders

Reminders are automatic email messages that are sent to users who have not performed required tasks in MeetingBroker, like updating actual guestroom revenue after the group departs.

You only need reminders in your subscription if both of the following are true:

Helpful hints for reminders:

To create or modify a reminder

  1. From the Subscription Administration Home page, click the Rules tab and then click Reminder.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add to create a new reminder.
    • Click an existing reminder to view or modify it.
  3. On the Reminder Rule Details page, enter or update the following information:

    Select Active to indicate that email messages should be sent for RFPs that match this rule.

    Email SubjectEnter a detailed subject line for the reminder email message. For example, "Guestroom Pickup Not Complete - Please Address".
    Include RFP Details in the EmailSelect the check box to include the details of the RFP in the reminder email (recommended). This helps users easily identify the RFP that requires action.
    Send Reminder in the Following Situations: (Select one)
    Proposal Sent Date

    Select this option to base your rule on the last date a proposal was sent for the RFP.

    Example: If the Business Status is Inquiry or Prospect two days after a proposal is sent, prompt the Business Owner to follow up with the customer.

    Awarded Status Date

    Select this option to base your rule on the awarded/self-awarded date of the RFP.

    Example: If the Business Status is not Definite two days after awarded, prompt the Business Owner to update.

    RFP Received Date

    Select this option to base your rule on the date when the RFP was first received.

    Example: One day after the RFP was received, if RFP Status is not Cancelled, Turned Down, or Withdrawn, and Proposal Sent is No, prompt the Receiver to respond.

    Meeting Start Date

    Select this option to base your rule on the start date requested by the sender in the RFP.

    Example: If the Business Status is Inquiry 30 days before the requested start date, prompt the Receiver to either create a booking or turn down.

    Business Data Start Date

    Select this option to base your rule on the arrival date of the location's booking.

    Example: If the Business Status is Prospect or Tentative 15 days before the start date, prompt the Business Owner to update.

    Business Data End Date

    Select this option to base your rule on the departure date of the booking.

    Example: If Actual Business Data Complete Is False three days after departure, prompt the Business Owner to enter pickup and mark complete.

    And (Select all applicable to combine with the date chosen above)
    RFP StatusSelect to consider the current RFP status when applying this rule. To select multiple statuses, press the CTRL key while clicking each status.
    Business StatusSelect to consider the current business data status when applying this rule.
    Business Data CompleteSelect to consider the state of completion for a business data type when applying this rule.
    Proposal SentSelect to consider whether a proposal was sent when applying this reminder rule.
    Send To
    Send ToSelect the type of user who should receive the reminder message when triggered. Roles are shown rather than specific user names. The most commonly used roles are the Receiver (the RFP Owner) and the Business Owner. Some of the other roles, like General Manager and Director of Sales, must be assigned to users at each location on the Location Details page.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close.
Learn more...

Overview: Subscription administration

Overview: Statuses