Create default location escalation rules

Using the Create Default Location Escalation Rule utility, subscription administrators can bulk add a default location escalation rule to multiple locations. You can create one default policy and add it to all locations, or you can create different default policies for specific location groups by brand, location name, or country. For example, you might want to allow smaller properties that don't have a dedicated sales staff to have more time than larger properties before escalation occurs.

Location administrators can edit default rules when created this way. If you would rather create one rule that applies to all locations that can't be edited, create a default subscription escalation rule.

To add a default location escalation rule to multiple locations

  1. From the Subscription Administration Home page, click the Rules tab.
  2. Click Add Default Location Escalation Rule to open the Create Default Location Escalation Rules page.
  3. Enter the name that will display in the location's list of assignment rules.
  4. In the Stop Escalation On section, select RFP View or RFP Action. Learn more about these options.
  1. In the Escalate To field, do one of the following to indicate who should receive the escalation email alert when an RFP is waiting:
  1. In the CC field, select additional users or user groups that should be copied on the escalation email alert.
  2. From the Time Without Response drop-down list, select the amount of time that can pass before the RFP is escalated. Learn more
  1. To send additional email alerts after more time passes without a response, repeat steps 5 - 7.
  2. To apply this rule to every location in the subscription, skip to step 11. Otherwise, in the Apply To drop-down list, select Apply to Select Locations.
  3. Enter the criteria for selecting the locations that should use this rule:
  1. In the Rule Application section, do one of the following:
  1. Click the Create Rules button. A message displays that summarizes the number of locations that will have new rules created and the number of locations that will have existing rules updated.
  2. Click OK. When the rules have been created, you'll receive a confirmation email message.
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Overview: Escalation

Overview: Assignment rules

Manage subscription assignment rules

Manage location assignment rules

Detail an assignment rule