Enable and merge additional room block fields

If your property creates multiple guestroom blocks in bookings and you are on R44 or higher, you have the option to use six room block fields that make it easier to keep track of information that can vary for sub-blocks. For example, if you create one booking for a tournament and then create separate room blocks for each sports team, you can track things like the housing method and billing instructions inside the room block instead of using the booking fields.

The six fields display in the Advanced tab of the Modify Room Block window.

The completed fields can be displayed in the header of each room block's table in your merge documents for crystal clear communication with your customers and colleagues.

If this sounds like something you want to use, an administrator needs to complete the tasks described below.

Properties that have an integration to a Property Management System (PMS) must note that there is no change to integration configuration at this time, therefore these new fields do not pass through the interface.

Edit picklist values

The Billing Instructions, Incidentals Billing, and Meal Plan Type fields come with default picklist values. If desired, a corporate administrator can customize the values to match your company's business practices.

Merge documents

The remaining tasks are all about merge document configuration. The steps you need to take depend on the Template Type you use—Booking or Advanced Booking. If you have properties that use both types, complete all of the steps. To check, go to All Tabs (+) > Document Templates, select All in the dropdown and click Go. Sort by Template Type. You should see Advanced Booking immediately. If you have a really long list, click the letter B at the top of the list to only display template types that start with B. Then click the Template Type header again to reverse the sort and you can see if you have any Booking template types. If you just see BEO, then you don't have any.

Edit Property page layout

If any of your properties use the Booking Template type for merge documents, you must add a field to the Property page layout.

If you have custom template parts

A new merge table for advanced booking documents is added as part of your update to R44. If you have customized template parts, a Corporate Administrator needs to add the custom tables to the new template part zip file immediately following your update.

Update Advanced Booking Templates

To update the tables in Advanced Booking templates, you must first download the latest version of the Amadeus Merge Tool. Download the latest version here.

Display Room Block fields on Merge documents

The steps you need to take depend on the Template Type you use—Booking or Advanced Booking.

Explore more...

Customize guestroom tables in merge templates

R44 release notes