Log in to the Amadeus Merge Tool

After you have installed the Amadeus Merge Tool, you need to log in to it before you can work with your merge templates. Follow one of the scenarios below, depending on your organization's configuration.

To log in to the Amadeus Merge Tool with a security token

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Click the Amadeus Merge Add-In tab.
  3. Click Amadeus Merge Tool.
  4. In the Login window, insert the below details:
    • In the User Name field, enter your Amadeus user name.
    • In the Password field, enter your Amadeus password immediately followed by your Salesforce security token.

      For example, if your password is 'myPassword' and your token is 'xY34z6S,' you need to enter 'myPasswordxY34z6S.'

  5. Click OK.

Security tokens are used to access Salesforce.com outside of your company's trusted networks. You are required to add your security token to your password when you log in to the Merge Tool. If you do not know your security token, you can have Salesforce reset it and email it to you.

To reset your security token

Select your Salesforce experience.

To log in to the Amadeus Merge Tool with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Click the Amadeus Merge Add-In tab.
  3. Click Amadeus Merge Tool.
  4. In the Login window, insert the below details:
    • In the User Name field, enter your Amadeus user name.
    • In the Password field, enter your Amadeus password immediately followed by the current verification code displayed in your Salesforce Authenticator app.

      For example, if your password is 'myPassword' and your code is '123456,' you need to enter 'myPassword123456.'

  5. Click OK.
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Create merge templates