Customize guestroom tables in merge templates
Although the Merge Tool provides several predefined guestroom tables, you can customize the tables in several ways. Here are some common customizations.
To display the room block name
By default, the name of the room block in the guestroom tables of advanced booking documents is hidden.
- Click inside the top left cell of the table. Zoom in to 300% and highlight the hidden line above the text 'Builder: Standard;.'
- Change the text color to black and increase the font size to 8 pt. If you plan to add more fields, change the alignment to left-justified for more space.
To add room block fields to the table header
To display more information specific to each room block, you can add fields to the header section.
- Display the room block name. See above.
- Log in to the Amadeus Merge Tool.
- In the header of the guestroom table, place your cursor where you want to insert a merge field. Amadeus recommends either just before or after '«Name » ~.'
- Do one of the following:
- In the Merge Tool, select the field from the Guestroom fields list under Insert Template Part Fields, and click Insert Field. To make the information easier to read, type a text label in front of each field and format the font to italics, bold, or underlined.
- Place the fields within a formula so they only display when they are not blank.
- Press CTRL+F9 on your keyboard to insert a new blank merge field.
- Copy and paste the following inside the merge field brackets: IF «MERGEFIELD»=“ ” “ ” “TypeYourTextLabelHere: «MERGEFIELD»”.
- Highlight each «MERGEFIELD» instance and replace it with a field from the Merge Tool.
- Update your text label. For example, an updated merge field can look like this: {IF «PMSID»=“ ” “ ” “ ” PMS ID:«PMS ID»”}
The three sets of quotations make an if-then-else statement. Here, we are saying if the PMS ID is blank (first “ ”), then do not display anything (second “ ”), otherwise display the text label and value within the merge field (final “ ”).
- Right-click the merge field, and select Update Field.
- If any merge fields were added after the name of the room block, make sure the tilde (~) shows as the final character after any merge fields you added:
- Right-click «Name » ~ and select Toggle Field Codes.
- Move the tilde to before the text 'Builder: Standard;.'
- Right-click {MERGEFIELD Name } and select Update Field.
To add the property name in front of the room block name with version R43 and lower
You can display the name of the property on the same line as the room block name.
- Display the room block name. See above.
- Place your cursor in front of the room block name.
- Press CTRL+F9 on your keyboard to insert a new blank merge field.
- Inside the merge field brackets, enter the following text: MERGEFIELD Property \f " - ",
- Right-click the merge field, and select Update Field.
To change the number of columns displayed before wrapping
Sometimes, the number of columns displayed across the page wraps at a place that makes the table difficult to read.
- Increase the size of the first column of the advanced guestroom merge table.
- In the cell in the upper left of the table, find the text that reads: WrapTableAfterCol: 10.
- Edit the number at the end of this text to change the number of columns that display across the page.
- Adjust the size of the first column back to the original size.
To hide the occupancy column
All advanced booking template guestroom tables include the Occupancy column. This column cannot be removed, but can be hidden.
- Select the full table, right-click, and select Toggle Field Codes.
- Increase the size of the first column of the advanced guestroom merge table.
- Delete the header of the Occupancy column, leaving the column blank.
- Press and hold the SHIFT key, drag the right border of the occupancy column to the left to make the column as small as possible.
- In the pivot table formula, find the occupancy information. Select the merge field and change the font color to white and adjust the font size to 1. These steps make the information appear hidden.
- Adjust the size of the first column back to the original size.
- Upload the advanced merge template and select the Hide Occupancies without Rooms checkbox.
Learn more...
Format date and numeric fields
Display room block fields on merge documents