Format date and numeric fields

The date and numeric fields in the Merge Tool have a default format. However, you can change this format to suit the needs of your property and your customer.

To format date and numeric fields

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. Log in to the Amadeus Merge Add-In Tool.
  3. Right-click the field to format and click Toggle Field Codes to display the field code.
  4. Enter the appropriate format switch after the merge field.
    • For date fields, enter '\@' as the format switch.
    • For numeric fields, enter '\#' as the format switch.
  5. Insert the date or numeric format between quotation marks. See below for examples.
  6. Right-click the field and click Update Field.

To format date fields

Date format strings begin with the '\@' format switch and are followed by a combination of the following format components:

Month Description
M This format displays the 1- or 2-digit numeric month, for example, 1, 6, and 12.
MM This format displays the 2-digit numeric month, for example, 01, 06, and 12.
MMM This format displays the 3-letter month abbreviation, for example, Jan, Jun, and Dec.
MMMM This format displays the month name, for example, January, June, and December.
Day Description
d This format displays the 1-digit day with no leading zero. For example, if the value is '5', 5 displays.
dd This format displays the 2-digit day with leading zero. For example, if the value is '5', 05 displays.
ddd This format displays the 3-letter day abbreviation, for example, Mon.
dddd This format displays the full day name, for example, Monday.
Year Description
yy This format displays the 2-digit year, for example, 30.
yyyy This format displays the 4-digit year, for example, 2030.

Date format strings need to be between quotation marks, for example, {MERGEFIELD nihrm__ArrivalDate__c\@ "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy"}. You can copy and paste any of the example strings below into your template. When you toggle field codes, your cursor is placed where you need to paste the string, between the 'c' and the '}.'

Example string Output
\@ "dddd, MMMM d, yyyy" Monday, January 12, 2030
\@ "ddd, M/dd/yy" Mon, 1/12/30
\@ "dddd, MM/dd/yy" Monday, 01/12/30
\@ "M/d/yy" 1/12/30
\@ "MM/dd/yyyy" 01/12/2030
\@ "MMM. dd, yy" Jan. 12, 30
\@ "dddd dd MMMM yyyy" Monday 12 January 2030
\@ "dd/MM/yyyy" 12/01/2030
\@ "ddd, dd MMMM yyyy" Mon, 12 January 2030
\@ "yyyy年M月d日" 2030年1月12日
\@ "dd MMM yy" 12 Jan 30
\@ "dddd, dd MMM yyyy" Monday, 12 Jan 2030

To format numeric fields

Numeric format strings begin with the '\#' format switch and are followed by a combination of the following format components:

Format details
0 A zero is required. A zero in the numeric string indicates that you want a number to appear in that place in the result. If the result does not include a number corresponding to a zero's position, a zero displays. For example, 00.00 can display as 09.00.
# A number sign is optional. Number signs in the numeric string indicate that you want a number to appear in that place in the result only if the result calls for it. If the result does not include a number corresponding to a number sign's position, a space displays. For example, ## can display as 9.
Decimal point This indicates where to place the decimal point and how many digits appear to the right of the decimal point. For example, ##.00 can display as 15.00.

The character you use as a decimal point needs to match the decimal character in your system setting.

Thousands separator This separates series of three digits to display large numbers clearly. For example, #,### can display as 2,123.

The character needs to match the thousands separator character in your system setting.

Text This inserts literal text in the result. Enclose the entire string in double quotation marks and the text in single quotation marks. For example, "## 'Comp Rooms'" can display as 15 Comp Rooms.
Character This includes any other character, such as space, hyphen, asterisk, and more. For example, ##% can display as 10%.

Numeric format strings need to be between quotation marks, for example, {MERGEFIELD nihrm__Rate__c\# "$#,###.00"}. You can copy and paste any of the example strings below into your template. When you toggle field codes, your cursor is placed where you need to paste the string, between the 'c' and the '}.'

Example string


\# "#,###" 12,195  
\# "$#,###.00" $12,195.35 English
\# "€#.###,##"  €12.195,35 Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish
\# "€# ###,00" €12 195,35 French
\# "PLN###0.00" PLN12195,35 Polish

To adjust capitalization

The following is a list of some available Microsoft Word format field switches. Use these format field switches when text or numbers need to display in a certain way. For example, you can choose to spell out currency, as five hundred twenty one instead of 521.00.


Example string

\* Caps


This format capitalizes the first letter of each word.

This example can display as 'Julie Tanner' even if the value is stored as lowercase letters.

\* FirstCap


This format capitalizes the first letter of the first word.

This example can display as 'Loves chocolate chip cookies.'

\* Upper


This format displays all letters in uppercase even if the value is stored as lowercase letters or proper case.

This example can display as 'JULIE TANNER.'

\* Lower


This format displays all letters in lowercase.

This example can display as 'loves chocolate chip cookies.'

These capitalization formats also work in the same way for date formats. For example, {MERGEFIELD nihrm__Booking__r.nihrm__ArrivalDate__c\@ "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy" \* FirstCap} can display the date as Monday, 12 January, 2030.

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