Edit other income items on bookings
The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type only. If you are using the Delphi Core product type and want to learn more about the Delphi product type, contact your sales representative.
You can edit the details for a booking's other income item, including the name, tax group, and revenue classification. You need to be the booking owner or sourced on the booking to edit an other income item.
To update the quantity of the item, the days sold, or package details, do not click Edit. Instead, select the name of the item and use the Price and Attendance grid on the Booking Other Income page.
To edit an other income item on a booking
- Open the booking. In the Other Income section, click Edit next to the item.
- Modify the following fields, as needed:
Field Description Information Name This is the name of the other income item as it displays on all customer-facing merge documents. Abbreviation This is the internal abbreviation for the other income item. Tax Group Search to assign a different tax group to the item. Tax groups control how items are taxed on the banquet check. This value defaults from the property. Admin Charge This is the percentage of the other income item price that is allocated to the administrative charge. This value defaults from the item's revenue classification. Gratuity This is the percentage of the other income item price that is allocated to the gratuity charge. This value defaults from the item's revenue classification. Description This is the rich-text description of the other income item. Revenue Revenue Classification Search to assign a different revenue classification to the item. Revenue from the other income item is allocated to this revenue classification on the booking. - Click Save.
Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.
Learn more...
Add other income items to bookings
Add package other income items to bookings
Associate other income items to booking packages