Overview: Booking other income items

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type only. If you are using the Delphi Core product type and want to learn more about the Delphi product type, contact your sales representative.

An other income item generates revenue that is not included in the standard event and guestroom categories. For example, your customer wants to offer their VIP attendees valet parking and an afternoon of golf. The parking and golf are other income items that you can add to the booking. Additional examples of other income items include spa, theater tickets, transportation, restaurant meals, and ski lift tickets. Your administrator needs to create other income items in Setup before they can be added to a booking.

The two ways an other income item can be added to a booking are:

When you add other income items to a booking, they display in the Other Income section of the Booking page. The On a Package checkbox shows as selected when your other income item is added to the booking as part of a package.

Package other income items

The Charge To field on the Booking Other Income page, indicates how the item is priced and how the quantity is calculated:

Non-package other income items

You can add an other income item to a booking outside of a package in the Other Income section of the Booking page. Your administrator has set the default price of the item, but you can modify it. You need to enter the quantity of the item in the attendance fields in the Price and Attendance grid on the Booking Other Income page. For example, a group of 50 guests are attending a seminar, but only the 10 VIPs are playing golf. In this case, you need to enter 10 in the Agreed and Expected fields.

Other income revenue

The revenue from other income items is divided into the appropriate revenue classifications and displays in the following sections on the Booking page:

The revenue from an other income item only displays on the booking when the Revenue Allocation field is set to S&C on the Other Income page. The S&C option also needs to be selected for the other income item to display in merge documents, such as the booking check.

Learn more...

Add other income items to bookings

Add package other income items to bookings

Associate other income items to booking packages

Edit other income items on bookings

Remove other income items from bookings