Deactivate function rooms

Keeping your function diary current and clean is a critical part of managing your group business. If your property is renovated, you might need to make some rooms inactive. Whether you need to deactivate a function room temporarily or permanently, the inactive function rooms will no longer appear in the function diary or the picklist on new events, but they will continue to be displayed on the existing events.

Apart from the function rooms at your property, there is also an automatically generated function room called Unassigned. It is crucial not to deactivate it. This room acts as a virtual placeholder for events that either haven't been assigned a function room or run into conflicts with function room availability. To resolve these conflicts, users should move the event to a different available function room. For further details, please refer to Resolve event conflicts.

Before setting a function room to be inactive, run the Daily Events report for all future bookings to determine if that function room is being used.

To deactivate a function room

  1. In the Function Rooms section of the Property page, click Edit next to the function room.
  2. Uncheck the Active check box.
  3. Click Save
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Edit function rooms

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Create function rooms (R41 and above)

Create function rooms (R40 or below)