Edit function rooms

You can use the Function Room Edit page to modify the details for a function room. Additional changes can be made to a function room using the following areas:

Your property has an automatically generated function room called Unassigned. Do not modify it. This room acts as a virtual placeholder for events that either have not been assigned a function room or have run into conflicts with function room availability. To resolve these conflicts, users need to move the event to a different available function room. For more details, refer to Resolve event conflicts.

To edit a function room

  1. In the Function Rooms section of the Property page, click Edit next to the function room.
  2. Update the function room details as needed.

    Field Description
    Function Room Name

    This is the function room name as it displays in the Function Diary and in documents, like contracts and BEOs.

    Amadeus recommends only modifying this field for spelling errors or when your property changes the name of the room. If renovations change the function room's layout, Amadeus recommends you deactivate the current room and create a new room. This ensures that your historical data remains intact, and your reports display accurate information.

    Description This is information about the function room. The description displays when you hover over a function room name in the Function Diary. The description can also be used in merge documents to supply extra details about the room.
    Sort Order This controls the order that the function room displays in the Function Diary.

    Rooms display in numerical order and the Unassigned function room displays first, by default.

    Web Page URL This is the URL for a diagram or other page on your website that supplies more information about the room.
    Default Setup This is the default setup type for the room. When creating an event, if both the Event Classification and Function Room Setup fields are blank, this setup type applies when the event is saved. If the Event Classification field is populated but does not have a default setup assigned, this setup type applies when the event is saved.

    This field is used only with the Function Room Utilization Report. This field displays the function room's parent room.

    This feature is available with version R48 or higher.

    Parent Room for Utilization Report

    This field is used only with the Function Room Utilization Report. When selected, this function room is considered a parent room for the report.

    To find out how to add this field to the page layout and understand more about what makes a function room a parent room, see Function Room Utilization report preparation.

    This feature is available with version R48 or higher.

    Active When selected, the function room is available to users. When cleared, the function room is unavailable and no longer displays in lists for selection.
    Shared Space

    When selected, the room is considered a shared space that can be used for multiple groups at a time, for example, a restaurant or lobby.

    Shared spaces are not included in event conflict checking.

    Default Rental Rate

    This is the default rate you want to charge for the rental of this room. The default rental rate automatically applies to all new events.

    If you have multiple events in this room for the same group, the rate applies to each event. For this reason, the most common choice is to leave this field blank.

    If your property uses packages, do not enter a default rental rate. Instead, use the revenue breakdown on the appropriate package event to enter the per person rental amount. This ensures that room rental revenue is accurate on your packages. See Overview: Package event revenue breakdowns.

    Combination Type

    This displays the type of function room, either combination or indivisible.

    Default Values for Function Room Capacities
    Default Min Capacity and Max Capacity This displays the default minimum and maximum number of people the function room can hold. Amadeus recommends adding specific capacities for each function room setup type. These values are used when the setup selected on an event does not have a defined capacity.
    Default Comfort Capacity This displays the default maximum number of people the function room can comfortably hold. This value is for reference only and does not factor into capacity conflict checking.

    Setup Time and Teardown Time

    This displays the default amount of time, in minutes, needed to set up and tear down the function room for a booking event. These values are used if the setup selected on an event does not have a defined setup or teardown time.

    These times display as diagonally striped extensions of the event in the Function Diary.

    A conflict notification displays when events on different bookings have overlapping setup and teardown times. See Conflict checking.

    Area This is the total area of the function room.
    Length and Width This is the length and width of the function room.
    Moveable Walls This is the number of moveable walls in the function room, if applicable.
    Max Height and Min Height This is the minimum and maximum ceiling height of the function room. These values are used to supply information on the size of objects that can fit in the room.
    Max Access Height and Max Access Width This is the maximum door height and width in the function room. These values are used to supply information on the size of objects that can fit through the door.
    Comments This displays any additional information about the room that you might not want to include on merge documents but is important for users to know.
    System Information
    Created By

    This is the user who created the function room.

    Last Modified By

    This is the user who last modified the function room.

    Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

  3. Click Save.
Learn more...

Deactivate function rooms

Overview: Function rooms

Create function rooms with version R41 and higher

Create function rooms with version R40 and lower