View availability information by day

Using the Guestroom Type Days section of the Guestroom Type page, you can view availability information for a room type on a selected date. Each time a user blocks that room type, a new day record is created, allowing you to see inventory changes over a period of time.

To view availability information for a guestroom type

  1. In the Guestroom Types section of the Property page, click the appropriate guestroom type.
  2. In the Guestroom Type Days section of the Guestroom Type page, click the date whose inventory details you want to view. In addition to standard information about the guestroom type (Name, Effective Date, Property, etc.), the following information is shown for the selected date:
    Room Type Physical InventoryThe total inventory of that room type at the property.
    Room Type OOOThe number of rooms of that type that are unavailable (out of order).
    Room Type Daily InventoryThe number of rooms of that type available on that day (Room Type Physical Inventory - Room Type OOO).
    Transient ProtectedThe total number of rooms of that type that are taken out of inventory and set aside for individual travelers.
    Transient SoldThe number of rooms of that type that have been sold to transient business.
    Group BlockedThe number of blocked, prospect, tentative and definite group rooms of that type.
    AvailableThe number of remaining available rooms of that type (Room Type Daily Inventory - Room Type Group Blocked).
    RevenueTotal revenue from the blocked rooms of that type.

    Revenue is only shown for rooms that are taken out of inventory, as determined by your property configuration.

    RatesAverage rate for the blocked rooms of that type.

    Rates are only shown for rooms that are taken out of inventory, as determined by your property configuration.

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Overview: Guestroom types