Enter guestroom inventory

The content of this page applies to version R49 and lower. With version R50 and higher, five years of inventory are automatically added for you. If you are on version R50 or higher, you can follow the steps below to add more than five years of future inventory, if needed.

To ensure the Daily Information section of the Availability page reflects accurate availability, guestroom inventory needs to be entered for each room type.

The Run of House (ROH) room type represents the total number of guestrooms, so you do not need to enter inventory for it.

To enter guestroom inventory

  1. In the Guestroom Types section of the Property page, click the appropriate guestroom type.
  2. In the Daily Guestroom Values section, enter the following information:
    Daily guestroom values details
    Date From and Date ToEnter or select the inventory date range. If rooms of this type are unavailable during certain days of the week, clear those checkboxes.

    You can only enter inventory for up to one year at a time.

    Room Type Physical Inventory

    Enter the total inventory of this guestroom type when none of the rooms are out of order.

    This does not apply to the ROH guestroom type.

    Room Type OOOEnter the number of rooms that are out of inventory during the selected date range.
    Room Type Transient Protected

    This applies to the ROH guestroom type only. Enter the number of rooms to be taken out of group inventory and set aside for individual transient business.

    If your numbers vary daily, you might prefer to enter Transient Protected in the Daily Information section of the Availability page.

    Budgeted RateThis applies to the ROH guestroom type only. Enter the rate at which rooms need to be sold to meet budget.

    This applies to the ROH guestroom type only. Enter the minimum acceptable rate. This is the lowest rate that can be offered.

    MAR can also be entered in the Daily Information section of the Availability page.

  3. Click Apply.
  4. Repeat this process as needed for all future dates.
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