Edit guestroom types
You can use the Guestroom Type Edit page to modify the details of a guestroom type. You can also use this page to enter information for the Run of House (ROH) room type, which is automatically added to each property. You can make changes to the guestroom type's inventory using the Daily Guestroom Values section of the Guestroom Type page.
A guestroom type cannot be deleted, but administrators can retire room types no longer being used.
To edit a guestroom type
- In the Guestroom Types section of the Property page, click Edit next to the guestroom type. The Guestroom Type Edit page displays.
Update the guestroom type details as needed. See Create guestroom types for information on individual fields.
Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.
- Click Save.