Close tasks

With the Salesforce Lightning experience, the Open Activities and Activity History sections of a record are combined into one Activity timeline. With this change, Open Activities is now called Upcoming & Overdue, and Activity History displays by date. The steps below might vary based on the experience you are using.

After a task is done, you can mark it complete and close it. The task is then removed from your task list and displays in the Activity History section of the associated record. To see a list of completed tasks for any record, go to the Activity History section of that record. To see which activities are completed and which are still outstanding for multiple records, you can run the Activity Summary or Activity Detail report.

You can close a task from the associated record or from your task list on the Home page.

You can only close one task at a time, and the task must be assigned to you.

To close a task

Select your Salesforce experience for further details.

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Overview: Activities

Create tasks

Edit tasks

Activity History