Mark BEOs revised

Last-minute changes to a BEO that has already been distributed can lead to confusion if your banquets team doesn’t know which version to work from. However, you can make sure that everyone is getting the most current information by marking the BEO revised after making your changes. When you reprint the BEO, a date and time stamp will indicate when the BEO was last marked revised, ensuring that the most recent changes are communicated to your team—as well as your customer—during the event planning process.

BEO with a revised stamp

It's important to note that only distributed BEOs can be marked revised. When you batch merge BEOs for a single booking or multiple bookings, you'll need to select the Mark BEO as Distributed check box if you plan to use the Revised BEO functionality.

If you're not batch merging, you'll need to select the Distributed check box on the Booking Document page for the single BEO before you can mark the BEO revised.

The system gives you the flexibility of marking a BEO revised from several different places, depending on your current workflow.

To record the changes you made to a BEO, use the Change Log section on the Booking Event page.

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Edit events

Assign events to BEOs

Merge BEOs

Batch merge BEOs