Delete a booking

If you created a booking by accident, you can use the Bookings page to delete it from the system. To open this page, in the navigation menu (Icon of a hamburger menu), click Bookings.

When your property is integrated (Icon of two red linked chains) with Delphi, booking management occurs in the Delphi system. Your bookings display as read-only in Delphi Diagramming. See Integrations for more information.

To delete a booking

  1. On the Bookings page, click Delete Booking (Trash can icon), next to the booking to delete.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

      All events and room plans associated with the booking are also deleted.

    • Click Cancel to discard your changes.
Learn more...

Overview: Bookings

Create a booking

View a booking

Edit a booking

Batch print event information

Copy a booking

Share booking diagrams

What's next?

How to restore from the recycle bin