Create a booking

Bookings are used to organize and group your events together. You can use the Bookings page to create a new booking. To open this page, in the navigation menu (Icon of a hamburger menu), click Bookings.

When your property is integrated (Icon of two red linked chains) with Delphi, booking management occurs in the Delphi system. To create a diagram before you create a booking in Delphi, you can create a quick room plan to link to your booking event later. See Integrations for more information.

To create a booking

  1. On the Bookings page, click Create Booking.
  2. In the Create Booking window, enter the following information:
    • Enter the Booking Name.
    • Update the Property Name, if applicable.
    • Update the Owner, if the booking needs to be assigned to another user.
    • Select the booking's Start Date and End Date, if applicable.
    • Select the booking's Status.
  3. Click Save.The Events page for the booking displays. See Events for more information.
Learn more...

Overview: Bookings

View a booking

Edit a booking

Delete a booking

Batch print booking information

Copy a booking

Share booking diagrams

What's next?

How to create an event

How to edit an event