Mass import quick room plans

Quick room plans are used to build a collection of common room arrangements. If you have MMS files of your meeting spaces, you can mass import them as quick room plans on the Quick Room Plans page.

To access the Quick Room Plans page, in the navigation menu (Icon of a hamburger menu), click Quick Room Plans.

To mass import quick room plans

  1. On the Quick Room Plans page, click Mass Import (Icon of a folder with an arrow pointing downward), and then select Mass Import. The Mass Import - Room Plans page displays.

  2. Select a different Property Name, if applicable.

  3. Change the Selected Room, if applicable.

  4. Click Browse, and upload one or more MMS files.

  5. Update the Plan Name for each uploaded file.

  6. Click Mass Import.

    To view the details of previous imports, click Mass Import and then select Mass Import History.

Learn more...

Overview: Quick room plans

Create a quick room plan

View a quick room plan

Edit a quick room plan

Delete a quick room plan

What's next?

How to create a diagram from a quick room plan

How to move a quick room plan to an event

How to share a quick room plan