Create a diagram from a quick room plan

After a quick room plan is created, you can link a copy of it to an event from the Quick Room Plans page. You can then customize the diagram to meet the individual requirements of the event.

To access the Quick Room Plans page, in the navigation menu (Icon of a hamburger menu), click Quick Room Plans.

To create a diagram from a quick room plan

  1. From the Quick Room Plan page, click Link Quick Room Plan to Event (Icon of a square with an arrow pointing to the top right).

  2. Ensure the Link copy of Quick Room Plan to Event checkbox is selected.

  3. Click Select to choose a booking and associated event, or click Create New to create a new booking and event.

  4. Click Link.
Learn more...

Overview: Quick room plans

Create a quick room plan

View a quick room plan

Edit a quick room plan

Delete a quick room plan

Mass import quick room plans

Move a quick room plan to an event

Share a quick room plan

What's next?

How to view a diagram

How to edit a diagram

How to delete a diagram

How to print or share a diagram