Change the booking owner

Booking owners can transfer ownership to another user. That user then has edit permissions to the booking's details and events regardless of the user's property access level.

Properties that work with large bookings can add the Change Owner button to the Booking page layout. This button expedites the process of reassigning a large booking from one owner to another. Most properties do not need the Change Owner button. If you experience delays when reassigning bookings, your system administrator can add the button to your layout at any time. If your property does add the Change Owner button, it can be used in place of the below process.

To change the booking owner

  1. From the Booking page, click Change Owner. The Change Booking Owner page displays.
  2. Select the new owner.
  3. Select the Send Notification Email or Notify New Owner checkbox to send the new owner a notification.
  4. Confirm your changes.

The method to notify the new owner varies based on your version of Delphi, and whether the Change Owner button, available in R55 and higher, is installed. In R54 and lower, the new owner is sent an email. With the new Change Owner button, a task in Delphi is created for the new owner. See Enable the Change Owner task notification feature for instructions on enabling this feature.


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Overview: Bookings

Edit bookings

Create bookings

Change the status of a booking