Change the status of a booking

You can use the Change Status button to change the status of a booking. When you change the status of a booking, the associated events and room blocks are automatically updated.

To change the status of a booking

  1. From the Booking page, click Change Status. The following information displays:

    General Information
    Booking Post As This is the name of the booking as it displays on contracts and other documents.
    Arrival This is the booking's arrival date.
    Departure This is the booking's departure date.
    Current Status This indicates the stage of the booking.
    Booked This is the date the booking was created. This date is automatically set when you first save the booking.
    Last Status Date This is the date of the booking's most recent status change. This is automatically populated when you change the status.
    New Status

    This indicates the stage of the booking. Select one of the following statuses, following your company's standards.

    • Prospect - All new bookings are automatically assigned a status of Prospect.

    • Tentative - A Tentative status typically indicates a contract has been sent.

    • Definite - A Definite status indicates you have received the signed contract or the event is confirmed.

      After the status of a booking becomes Definite, it can not be changed back to Prospect or Tentative.

    • Lost - A Lost status means the customer declined your offer.
    • Cancelled - A Cancelled status indicates that the booking became Definite but then did not materialize.
    • TurnedDown - A TurnedDown status indicates your property could not accommodate the customer's request, and you chose not to proceed with the booking.
  2. Select the appropriate option in the New Status field, following your property's standards.

  3. Click Change Status. The status of the booking and it's associated events and room blocks are automatically updated. The last status date is also updated to reflect the change. If necessary, you can change the booking event status to be different than the booking status. See Change the booking event status for more information.

To change the status of a booking to Lost, TurnedDown, or Cancelled

When you change the status of a booking to Lost, TurnedDown, or Cancelled, you need to enter the reason why the business did not materialize.

  1. Follow steps 1-2 as instructed above. When the New Status is changed to Lost, TurnedDown, or Cancelled, the following fields display:

    General Information
    Mark all existing Booking Activities Completed

    With this option selected, the status of all open tasks on the booking changes to completed.

    Appointments are not included in this change.

    Lost Reason

    Select the reason why the business did not materialize.

    If integrated with MeetingBroker, the lost reason is sent back to Cvent, SpeedRFP, SignUp4, CVBs, and Central Sales.

    Lost to Competitor If known, select the competitor that won the business.
    Lost to City If known, select the city that won the business.
    Lost Comments

    Enter any additional comments about the status change.

    With version R40 and higher, lost comments are sent back to Cvent and Central Sales.

    Summary This is a summary of the changes to be made to the booking and it's associated events and room blocks.
  2. Click Change Status. The status of the booking and its associated events and room blocks are automatically updated. If necessary, you can change the booking event status to be different than the booking status. See Change the booking event status for more information.

After the status of a booking becomes Lost, Cancelled, or TurnedDown, it cannot be changed to Prospect, Tentative, or Definite. See a corporate administrator if necessary.

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